
Bible Overview: 12. The Apostles

Jesus ascends to heaven – Before Jesus returned to heaven, He gave His disciples one last charge: go tarry in Jerusalem until you are filled with power from on high. Being filled with the Spirit would empower them to be the Apostles that Jesus had called them to be. This would give them power to preach the gospel and do the works of God as Jesus had commanded them to do in all the world. Holy Ghost poured out – After the disciples tarried in the upper room for a hundred and twenty days, they were all in one place and in one mind when they heard a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind. It filled the place where they were sitting, and cloven tongues of fire sat…
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Bible Overview: 11. Jesus Manifested

The angel Gabriel visits Zechariah and then Mary – The prophets that were in the old testament spoke often of the coming messiah that would save God’s people from their sin and their separation from Him that began in Adam. They also prophesied a forerunner that would prepare the way of the Lord. When the time was fulfilled to bring these prophecies to pass, God sent Gabriel, the angel of God that stands in the presence of the Lord, to deliver these messages. ~ He first visited Zechariah, who was a priest in the temple of God. Even though his wife Elizabeth’s womb was dead, Gabriel declared that they would bear a child that would go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways and to give knowledge…
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Bible Overview: 10. Israel’s Captivity and Return Home

The warnings – God warned Israel and Judah many times to return unto the Lord. But because Israel refused to hear the prophets and return to the Lord, they were turned over to their enemies. The Northern Kingdom of Israel conquered and scattered – After many wicked kings in Israel, God gave Israel over to their enemies to be destroyed. The northern kingdom was overtaken and destroyed by Assyria and all the people were scattered among the nations. This included the ten tribes of Israel who were still in the north. (This is the beginning of Ephraim becoming the multitude of nations, which is the fullness of the Gentiles prophesied by Jacob. Israel’s seedline would be mixed and their ethnicity would no longer be the same). Samaria no longer belonged…
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Bible Overview: 9. The Kings and Prophets

The people wanted a king – After the period of the Judges, Israel’s mistrust in God caused them to desire a King to reign in Israel like they saw the other nations have. God’s desire was that He be the one true spiritual King of Israel, but they could not be obedient to the Spirit and needed a man to rule over them. The period of the kings was a time where the land of Israel saw many kings and faced many enemies. There were very few faithful kings that would rule over God’s people, therefore the land of Israel saw great affliction and distress because of their wickedness. Only a few faithful men ruled Israel with righteous intent. The ones who did, saw the great blessings of God upon…
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Bible Overview: 8. The Judges

The Judges – Now living in Canaan, Israel was commanded to serve God and be a blessed people. They conquered the city of Jerusalem, which became a dwelling place for the people of God. But soon after their faithful leader, Joshua, died, Israel was continually seduced to work evil by the surrounding nations. Israel was taken into captivity by their enemies over and over again. Through many years, God raised up Judges in Israel that would be saviors, delivering Israel from their enemies. Every time a Judge was in rule, Israel was faithful. But after each Judge died, Israel became wicked and fell into the captivity of their enemies. This was a continual cycle of disobedience and death. It was always followed by great sorrow and a need for repentance.…
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Bible Overview: 7. Israel’s New Home (The Promised Land)

The promised land – Through many battles, Israel conquers the inhabitants of the land of Canaan, including the great city of Jericho, and possesses it for themselves. This is a fulfillment of the word that Abraham received from the Lord that God would give them a land to inherit that they would call their own. Joshua divides the land up for each tribe to take possession and prosper. (This is a great example of the spiritual possession that God has given you. A new land that is fruitful and prosperous. That land is your soul, a land free from enemies, and overflowing with the abundance of God’s blessing. As a type and shadow, Israel did not fully enter into those blessings in the old testament, but it can be fulfilled…
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Bible Overview 6. The Exodus and the Wilderness

Moses sent to deliver Israel – While tending sheep, Moses is called up to Mount Horeb where the angel of the Lord appears to him in a burning bush. The bush is on fire but is not consumed. The experience is very powerful for Moses, but God spares his life and sends him to be a deliverer of Israel from their captivity in Egypt. (Moses was said to be a prophet like unto Christ because he followed the pattern of Christ in the Old Testament). Moses returns to Egypt – Moses enters Egypt with a word from God that will teach all nations that the Lord is the one true God. In this message from Moses, Israel is given a promise by God that they will receive a new land…
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