What is Living Fellowship?
Living Fellowship is a Christian Church that is established on the beliefs and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are one body of believers consisting of four churches located in four different states in the US. Hodgkins, IL. Visalia, CA. Yuma, AZ. and Boise, ID.
What is Living Fellowship about?
At Living Fellowship the word of God is the priority. We love to fellowship and communicate the things that the Lord has given us, by meeting on Sunday’s, and opening our homes during the week for bible studies. Through much communication in the truth, our hearts and spirits are edified in the word of God, and the church is blessed and encouraged to grow and bring forth fruit.
What does Living Fellowship believe?
We believe the words of Jesus Christ are eternal life and that our salvation is of him. Our focus is on the inward man; teaching his regeneration and newness of life through the Spirit.
Questions & Answers
All who come are welcome at Living Fellowship. We believe God has a word of truth for you. Come and learn the mysteries of the Spirit.
Yes, please contact our main office, or you can contact one of our Pastors by visiting our churches page.
We have four churches throughout the U.S. The locations are in Hodgkins, IL. Visalia, CA. Yuma, AZ. Boise, ID. Please check our churches page for more details.
The main office is located in Visalia, California. For more information please visit our contact page.
You can click on the teaching page to find our audio teachings and writings. There you will find teachings from all four churches. If you’re interested in something more, please contact one of our Pastors found on our churches page.
No, God has been faithful to bless us with the word of the Lord freely, and it is our desire that all who come unto the Lord can freely receive his word as well. We believe it is the people of God who support the church by their giving of tithes and offerings, set forth by the scriptures, that all may have a chance to hear His word.
If you live in a city where we have a local church, please attend that church and support it with your giving. If you live in another state where no local church is present, you can send your offerings to the main office in Visalia California or contact us for other forms of payment.
Yes, there is a weekly conference call held every Thursday night for all those who don’t have a local church. We call this our phone church. Please contact our main office in Visalia California to receive more information on how to attend this call.
Yes, once a year there is a conference held at one of our four church locations where all of our churches come together to fellowship in God. Conference locations usually rotate to each church once every four years. For more information view our events page.
Yes we do travel to other states to minister the word of God upon request. You can contact one of our Pastors or our main office in Visalia California for more information.